National Federation of Independent Business Endorses Marsha Blackburn for Senate

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) on Thursday endorsed U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) for the Senate, the latest of many notable endorsements she has received leading up to the Nov. 6 election.

“Congressman Blackburn has been a dedicated supporter of Tennessee small businesses throughout her time in the United States House of Representatives,” said NFIB’s Tennessee State Director Jim Brown. “She has a true understanding of the issues that matter to our members, and we are confident that she will continue to support efforts to roll back onerous regulations and protect small business tax cuts. On behalf of small businesses in Tennessee, we are proud to endorse Congressman Marsha Blackburn for election to the U.S. Senate.”

NFIB’s Political Director Sharon Sussin said, “Congressman Blackburn’s voting record speaks volumes of her support of small businesses in Tennessee and across the country. We are glad to endorse her today and we know that she will be a staunch supporter of small business issues in the U.S. Senate.”

Speaking about the endorsement, Blackburn said, “National Federation of Independent Business is a strong voice for small businesses nationwide, committed to advocating for the best interests of business owners. Small business owners deserve the opportunity to grow their businesses in a thriving economy, and I will always work to keep taxes low and regulation limited. I am grateful to have the endorsement of NFIB in my race for U.S. Senate.”

Earlier this week, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice endorsed Blackburn.

Rice said, “This election is a historic opportunity for Tennesseans to elect their first female Senator.  More importantly, it is an opportunity to help shape Tennessee’s future. Marsha represents the natural choice this November and I am proud to support her candidacy.”

Last Friday, financial advice guru Dave Ramsey announced his endorsement of Blackburn. The Fraternal Order of Police announced its endorsement last Wednesday.

Former Tennessee Governor Winfield Dunn, a Republican, endorsed Blackburn in September. President Donald Trump in April endorsed Blackburn in her bid to replace retiring junior Senator Bob Corker (R-TN).

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.






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